Friday 23 April 2010

Passage to fame...YouTube.

Hey again it’s me, your friendly neighbour-hood…nah it’s just Daveaysrelax calling in to talk about the magical invention of YouTube. This website is probably, to me, the best website there is on the internet, this is because of the content on there. The content ranges from formal serious educational topics that you can learn from to parades of almost anything. My favourite feature on YouTube is the subscribe button, this enables you to follow peoples video updates, almost like the follow button on Twitter. I am subscribed to many different people, most of them being professional gamers, weird and loud parody makers and exclusive preview providers to gadgets, consoles games and films.

Another reason that I find YouTube so amazing is because, when I a stuck in a game and have run out of ideas of where to go next (we have all been there). I simply go to YouTube for help. However sometimes I get a bit carried away and watch too much of the video and it ruins the storyline for me. But this isn’t just for games, not so long ago my iPod broke and apple store said it would take a “genius” to fix it. However me and my dad prevailed and resorted to YouTube for help, the problem was fixed within hours and cost less than half of what the apple store was asking.

The one thing that YouTube provides that many other websites do not is it how it appeals to many different communities. This is because you watch and subscribe to people that appeal to you. Amateur skate videos and machinima are two very different niche audiences. However because of this people upload their videos for other people to view because they know that the audience is out there. YouTube also gives communities the chance to merge with other communities, thus giving people a wider experience of life.

YouTube has been around now since 2005 and it has been forever getting bigger. The extremity of YouTube is now so big that you can now become “YouTube famous”, examples of this are people such as “Chris Crocker” and “Weird Al”. These people became YouTube famous because of people subscribing to them and there constant updates of videos. Even this then splits up into people being famous within a certain community. To me a “YouTuber” called Tejbz who is also sponsored by machinima is very popular to the gaming community for his outstanding game play footage and his montages. However to someone not part of the gaming community he is just another person.

Below is one of Tejbz Montages posted by Machinima:

Overall YouTube can make or break people, its gives people something to do and provides to both niche and mass markets.

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